Tax Liens Made Easy Home Study Course Honest Review

Tax Liens Made Easy is an inexpensive Home Study Course put out by Melford and Concetta Bibens. What this course does is focus on how to purchase property for a very small fraction of the standard market value of that home. In fact there are a lot of testimonials on this website of people who purchased homes for 1-2% of their market value. When you get to their website they offer a free report on how to get $100.00 emailed to you 37 times a day or more. Perhaps this free report might be good enough reason to visit their website and take a look. 

Once you purchase the Tax Liens Made Easy Online Real Estate Training Course, you will login to a special website and immediately have access to thousands of homes with these incredible discounts. Once you decide on the home you want you can just “Pick and Click” and you’ll be able to purchase it immediately. You can either keep the home and live in it or sell it at slightly below market value so it will sell fast and make a killing overnight. Now I’m not personally into nor do I believe it magic profits like this, but this could be an exception. I mean offering a Tax Lien Database at your finger tips using the power of the internet is a whole lot different than buying an outdated list from a Television Offer. 

How a Tax Lien works is an owner will have to forfeit their home because they couldn’t afford or refused to pay their taxes on it in time. Then the government will put a Tax Lien on the home and give them a set amount of time to pay it. This option comes with conditions. You can step in and pay the taxes for the person who owes them. The homeowner has two options as this point. They can pay you the taxes plus a very nice interest fee, much more than a mutual fund would deliver. The other option is that if they home owner doesn’t pay you every cent of the taxes you paid on the home plus interest, the property automatically transfers to you and you end up taking it over. And in some cases there’s no way they can afford to pay it. So either way you win with this deal. People aren’t aware that there are 3,141 Counties in the United States. In many cases paying off someones taxes is as low as $100 and rarely over $5000. And with their online system you don’t have to live in the area to participate in one of these deals. 

You become the lender by paying off the delinquent home owners taxes and either you get paid with interest or you end up owning the home outright. And from 1-5% is what you’ll end up paying for the home on average if the home owner defaults paying you what they owe you on the taxes you paid for them up front. It’s a very sweet deal. And the interest rate you’ll receive can range from 16% to 50%. A couple examples is a lady bought a home worth $201,050 for $3,400. Another couple purchased a $320,750 home for only $4,240. Jerry bought a $75,650 home for $888 dollars. Imagine getting a cute starter home free and clear for under a grand and owning it outright. You can buy one for yourself and get another one to add some heavy cash to your bank account, now you have a nice place to live you own and plenty of money to live on. Most people don’t know these opportunities even exist and for the ones who do, they’re afraid that the “Heavy Real Estate Players” in their area will swipe all of these up. 

What makes me so fond of promoting this, and people who know me know I don’t promote anything, is that there are millions of foreclosures that are taking place as a result of the bad economy. Banks don’t really want the homes, they just want what they are owed and a way out. This gives you the opportunity to step in and provide that way out. Now this course is only $37.00 and to be truthful, it’s a gamble. The gamble is it might be real hard to find a property like this, but in this economy my guess is that it would be a whole lot easier now. But seriously how fast do you go through $37.00? I mean one night out on the town will easily top that amount. And this is an investment in your education so for this price you really can’t go wrong. Imagine investing in 5 properties. 4 pay their taxes and interest to you and you make a great profit on that. But one of the Home Owners refuses or can’t afford to pay you anything. 

Now you have a free and clear home which is the american dream. How many times have you went to the casino and blew $40.00 in a couple hours or less just on the cheap slot machines? If you put this in perspective imho you can’t go wrong by giving it a try. Actually it’s not a risk at all since they give you 50 days to try it out, and if you don’t like it they will refund you. Seems like there’s nothing to think about since I’ve seen courses like this sell for $1000 or more. 


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